INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW 2024-06-21T01:29:58+00:00 Agus Budianto Open Journal Systems <p>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW (IJOSPL) E-ISSN : 2774-2245 is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to publishing research results and studies / reviews in the fields of politics, policy and law globally.The main focus of this INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW (IJOSPL) is to publish the results of research and work of thought, with the following fields: theory or doctrine, principles, norms, philosophy, comparison, application, history, relations with other disciplines in the field. -Social Sciences, Policy and Law, Tourism Studies, Tourism Management, Food Production, Behavioral Science, Management Accounting</p> A Literature Review: The Influence of Effective Leadership and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance in Business Organizations in the Digital Era 2024-06-19T02:24:19+00:00 Eddy Suratno <p>This study aims to examine from an ontological aspect the influence of effective leadership and transformational leadership on employee performance in business organizations in the digital era. Literature review is the method used in this research where data collection was carried out using articles collected from 2018 to 2023. Reference articles were 31 scientific articles obtained from Google Scholar by searching "effective leadership", "transformational leadership" and "employee performance". The theoretical benefit of this article is to increase knowledge about the ontology of the influence of effective leadership and transformational leadership on employee performance in business organizations in the digital era, then the practical benefit of this article can be used as a reference for further research. This literature review integrates concepts, theories, and empirical findings to provide a comprehensive understanding of how effective and transformational leadership influences employee performance in the digital era.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW Akansha Agarwal Revisiting the debate 2024-01-15T05:38:18+00:00 Akansha Agarwal <p>This article explores the complex issue of legalizing and decriminalizing prostitution, drawing from the perspectives of Alexander Kollantai and feminist historical backgrounds. It traces the roots of prostitution in India, particularly affecting vulnerable populations, and examines the ongoing debate between radical feminists and proponents of state involvement. The economic dimensions of the sex industry, the global legal frameworks, and the contrasting approaches in countries like Sweden, the United States, and the Netherlands are analyzed. The role of the state, highlighted by India's legal provisions, is scrutinized alongside the failures in implementing rehabilitation schemes. The article proposes a bottom-up approach, addressing the demand and supply dynamics, creating economic opportunities, and fostering social capital to improve the welfare of women in prostitution. It concludes by advocating for comprehensive strategies involving government and civil societies to combat the multifaceted challenges posed by commercial sexual exploitation.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW PROTECTION OF THE BRAND RIGHTS OF THE FRANCHISOR IN THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT 2024-06-21T01:29:58+00:00 Pierre Senjaya Dhaniswara Harjono Andrew Betlehn <p>The main problem in this research focuses on how franchise businesses relate to problems that arise and often occur in franchise businesses. On this occasion the researcher explained the problems that emerged clearly. Based on normative juridical qualitative research, it was found that there are many problems in franchise businesses that always arise and the increasing number of franchise businesses appearing in society shows the importance of conducting studies related to legal protection for these businesses in Indonesia. Several ways to minimize the risk of legal problems in a franchise business include making a clear and complete franchise agreement, carrying out due diligence before entering into a franchise collaboration, understanding the laws and regulations related to franchise businesses, building good communication between franchisor and franchisee and providing training. and education for franchisees. By understanding the legal problems that often occur in franchise businesses and the steps to prevent them, franchisors and franchisees can minimize risks and build a successful franchise business</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW Faithful Citizenship: Exploring the Theological Imperative and Societal Impact of Tax Compliance Among Christians in Indonesia 2024-01-18T09:01:00+00:00 Thomas Handoyo Prayogo Samuel Herman <p><strong><em>This journal explores the spiritual responsibility of tax compliance among church members, emphasizing the biblical principles and governmental regulations governing taxation. It delves into the duty of church leaders to educate congregants on tax obligations, aiming to enhance awareness and adherence. The study underscores the significance of understanding taxation principles for improved compliance and suggests that such knowledge positively impacts the church's tax-related actions. Ultimately, it emphasizes the integration of Matthew 5:16, encouraging church members to let their light shine through responsible tax practices.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW Applying Truth in Leadership according to 1 Timothy for Management at GBI Bethel Bandung 2023-08-25T15:47:24+00:00 Styadi Senjaya <p>Abstract <em>The Christian view of leadership which emphasizes age and gender has become a problem in church organization. Because at this time, leadership needs to emphasize the competencies possessed by a leader. Young people also need to be given the opportunity to be a space for them to innovate in every decision made in church organization. When young people are included and involved there will be rapid growth. Like what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:12 what Paul did to Timothy provides a picture for church leaders today to give trust to young people. This study uses a literature study approach. So that it takes out every existing fact to bring out the best essence. In the end, it can be proven that the role model of young people is one of the most important competencies possessed by young leaders.</em></p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW