The Effect Of Customer Relationship Management, Personal Selling And Sales Promotion On Customer Loyalty With Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable In PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry


  • Erina Alimin Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Rio Fabrian Marco Universitas Pelita Harapan



 Customer is the source of profit that determines the continuity of business. The company should give the attention to the customer by providing maximum satisfaction with many ways. The research has purpose to know the customer relationship maangement, personal selling and sales promotion on cusotmer loyalty with customer satisfaction as intervening variable at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. The research uses the linear regression method. The analysis is conducted with validity test, reliability test, multicollinearity test, heterocedasticity test, coefficient of determination test, t testing and F testing. The sample is the customer of the company at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. Data collection method uses the questionnaire of the research. The research result can show some conclusions that the customer relationship management has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. The personal selling has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. The sales promotion has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. The customer relationship management has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry with customer satisfaction as intervening variable. The personal selling has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry with customer satisfaction as intervening variable. The sales promotion has significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry with customer satisfaction as intervening variable. The customer relationship management, personal selling and sales promotion have significant impact on customer loyalty at PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry.  

Keywords Customer Relationship Management, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Alimin, E., & Marco, R. F. . (2023). The Effect Of Customer Relationship Management, Personal Selling And Sales Promotion On Customer Loyalty With Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable In PT Sri Intan Karplas Industry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW, 4(3), 35-51.


