The Effect Of Leverage, Liquidity And Profitability Toward Financial Distress On Food And Beverage Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange
Financial Distress, Leverage, Liquidity and ProfitabilityAbstract
This research objective is to find out whether leverage, liquidity and profitability have significant effect toward financial distress on companies listed in as consumer goods industry, food and beverages sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange from the year 2018-2021.The research designs used in this research are descriptive research and causal research. There are 16 companies which are taken as the number of samples with period from 2018-2021. The data analysis method includes: descriptive statistic, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, f-test, and coefficient of determination. Based on the data analysis, this research reveals that (1) Leverage has a significant effect on financial distress and the relationship; (2) Liquidity has a significant effect on financial distress; (3) Profitability has a significant effect on financial distress; (4) All of the independent variables simultaneously have effect on financial distress. The adjusted R^2 amounted to 90.8%, meaning that the independent variables in this research can explain the dependent variable by 90.8%. 9.2% is being explained by another variable that is not in this research.
Keywords: Financial Distress, Leverage, Liquidity and Profitability
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