Business Feasibility Study Cita Osean Seafood Restaurant at Ruko Shibuya, PIK 2, North Jakarta
Cita Osean Seafood is an independent family seafood restaurant located in Ruko Shibuya, PIK 2, North Jakarta. Cita Osean Seafood offers varieties of seafood dish. The seafood products of Cita Osean Seafood are mostly supplied by the family’s seafood supplier business. Cita Osean Seafood restaurant is a form of expansion of the family’s seafood supplier business. The servicable addressable market for Cita Osean Seafood are people from all ages living in PIK, North Jakarta that consumes seafood, but the total addressable market for Cita Osean Seafood are people from all ages that consumes seafood who lives in Jakarta and outside Jakarta. The idea of this business feasibility study is to assess whether Cita Osean Seafood is a feasible business by analyzing its market, operational, organizational and human resources, and financial aspects. This study is a descriptive study. The instruments used for this study is the questionnaire and observation. From the questionnaire that had been shared using the non-probability sampling method and krejcie and morgan formula for the sample size determination method, it had gained 388 respondents. Once analyzed, Cita Osean Seafood is a viable and profitable business.
Keywords: Restaurant, Seafood, Business feasibility studies
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